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XANTARA CIVILS :: Paving Products for Residential and Landscaping applications

Cobble Pavers
The Cobble introduces a natural theme to building a paved feature that dramatizes any outdoor area and can be used to achieve almost any look.
Available in three different thicknesses, various sizes and an assortment of colours, these versatile pavers offer great scope for imaginative solutions.
Installation Options :Suitable for Driveways, Pathways, Patios, Courtyards, Entertainment Areas & Landscaping
Colour/s:Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum, Charcoal & Blends
SizeThicknessPavers per mēWeight each
110 x 110 mm40 mm810.97 kg
125 x 125 mm40 mm641.27 kg
200 x 200 mm40 mm253.61 kg
110 x 110 mm50 mm811.22 kg
110 x 110 mm55 mm811.35 kg
150 x 150 mm50 mm442 kg
200 x 150 mm50 mm33New
110 x 110 mm75 mm812 Kg

Combining functionality with flexibility, both the Flagstones and Cobbles compliment each other to add interest to any outdoor space.
Installation Options :Suitable for Pathways, Patios, Courtyards, Entertainment Areas & Landscaping
Colour/s:Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum, Charcoal & Blends
SizeThicknessFlags per mēWeight each
200 x 200 mm40 mm253.6 kg
200 x 400 mm40 mm12.57.5 kg
390 x 390 mm40 mm613.6 kg
400 x 400 mm40 mm614.3 kg
500 x 500 mm40 mm422.5 kg

A variety of tiles in different sizes are available. Tiles may be used inside or outside and can be used to accentuate an area of your choice for example pools surrounds, courtyards and patios.
Installation Options :Interior and exterior floors, walls, steps
Colour/s:Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum, Charcoal & Blends
SizeThicknessTiles per mēWeight each
200 x 200 mm18251.6 kg
200 x 400 mm1812.53.2 kg
400 x 400 mm186.256.4 kg

Beveledge Paver
The Beveledge paver can be used for driveways, patios and pathways and provides a cost effective and easy to maintain method of enhancing your property.
Dimensions :200 x 100 mm
Thickness :50 mm
Pavers per mē :50
Weight each :1.94 kg
Colour/s :Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum, Charcoal
Installation Options :Driveways & Roads (medium duty), Pathways, Driveways, Patios, Courtyards & Entertainment Areas

The Coping combined with either the Cobble or Flagstones introduce a natural theme to building a feature that dramatizes any outdoor area and can be used to achieve almost any look.
Dimensions :375 x 250 mm
Thickness :40 mm
Coping per m :4
Weight each:8 kg
Installation Options :Swimming Pool Edging, Window Sills, Steps
Colour/s:Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum, Charcoal & Blends

Cement Stock Bricks (Standard)
Standard Cement Stock bricks manufactured to SABS standards.
Dimensions :220 x 105 mm
Thickness :75 mm
Weight each :3.4 kg
Colour/s :Building: Natural
Paving: Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum & Charcoal
Installation Options :Suitable for all building requirements
Alternative uses :Stock bricks can also be manufactured in colour and used as pavers as illustrated below.

Grass Blocks
Grass Pavers prevent erosion by stabilizing the soil while keeping an eye on your budget... and the environment.
The Grass Paver is for the consumer who is looking for an " invisible driveway," a path as strong as standard paving without the heavy, permanent look.
Installation Options :Wide enough for a comfortable, easy-to-install walkway, driveways, boat landings or parking areas
Colour/s:Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum, Charcoal
SizeThicknessBlocks per mēWeight each
445 x 325mm75mm6.911.8 kg

Wall Cladding
The Riven Wall Cladding is available to compliment our extensive range of paver colours and can transform internal and external walls, water features and fireplaces with ease.
Dimensions :80 mm to 225 mm x 57mm
Thickness :Various thicknesses 18 - 25 mm
Weight per mē:51.5 kg
Installation Options :Interior and exterior walls
Colour/s:Natural, Marigold, Sandstone, Plum

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